In process —

Entirely native installation for a front yard entryway, new foundation, and side border. An arbor is added to the front at the sidewalk to welcome neighbors to existing vegetable beds and share produce. The front border outside of the arbor is planted with a mix of colorful perennials (black-eyed susan, yarrow, wild bergamot, rattlesnake master, Adam’s needle yucca, and more). Behind that are low to medium growing shrubs for friendly definition between garden and street that maintains open visibility for friendly interactions, some flowering like St. John’s Wort. Wooly pipevine is planted on one side of the arbor and leatherflower on the other for seasonal interest.

Some existing non-native screening shrubs will be replaced with wildlife-benefitting native shrubs to buffer between the next door neighbor’s driveway and garden’s blueberries. Altogether, we are adding host plants and plants that provide food to birds via seeds and berries and pollinators via blooms.


kid friendly fruit scape


gentle boundaries